Al-Substrate CCL
产品简介/ Product description
华正新材铝基板具有高导热性、高耐热性、良好的电绝缘性和极佳的环境可靠性的特点,其导热系数为传统覆铜板的4 ~15倍。采用该基板制作的PCB能将电子元件产生的热量经由基板结构,快速传导至后端散热基座或其他散热模组。其结构由铜箔电路层、导热绝缘层以及金属基板所组成,导热层是由特殊的高分子树脂和导热填充料制作而成,相关产品已通过多项苛刻的长时间环境测试,获得国际认证。
华正新材拥有强大的研发实力,相续开发出多款高性能铝基板产品。热导率为1.0~5.0 W/ m?K,可满足中高端产品需求,性价比高。所有产品均通过RoHS等国际规范的禁用物质检验,兼顾良好的产品特性与低碳环保之趋势。
Thermal conduct Al-Substrate CCL provides the advantages of high thermal conductivity, Excellent solder heat endurance, Excellent Breakdowm Voltage, reliability, Thermal Conductivity is about four~ fifteen times higher than the FR-4 , PCB produced by the substrate can transfer heat , which is electrionic components generate , throughing the substrate structure rapid conduct to the back-end cooling base or other cooling modules.
Al-Substrate CCL is a sandwich structure, which includes layers of conductor ,insulator and metal base. In genaral, this insulator is made of epoxy resin and high thermal Conductivity filler. The products have been through a number of demanding for a long time environmental testing, access to international certification.
Huazheng new material has a strong R&D strength, which continued to develop avariety of high Thermal Conductivity products. Thermal conductivity 1.0~5.0 W/ m?K,It can fit the demand of high end and mid-range products,with high cost performance. All products pass RoHS standard, have good property andmeet low-carbon environmental trend.
特性/ Features
优异的散热性能 Excellent thermal conductivity
电气绝缘性能佳 Excellent Breakdowm Voltage
符合RoHS要求 RoHS compliance
良好的耐热性能 Excellent solder heat endurance
良好的机械加工性能 Excellent mechanical properties
电磁屏蔽性能 Excellent electromagnetic shielding
可直接外接散热装置 Can use external cooling device directly
优良的性价比 High cost performance
基本结构/ Basic Structure

单面铝基板single Al-Substrate CCL

Single Al-Substrate CCL offers various kinds ouf combination of base metal,copper foil,and dielectric layers to meet the general requirement of single layer thermal conductive printed circuit board
双面铝基板Double Al-Substrate CCL

Double Al-Substrate CCL is good for general requirement ouf multilayer or thineer shape printed circuit board. ACCL is a sandwich structure, which includes layers of copper foil, thermal conductive dielectric layer.l
说明 / Instruction 导电层—电解铜箔 / Circuit Layer – Electrolysis copper foil
Thermally Conductive Dielectric Layer –This offers electrical isolation with minimum thermal resistance. two types: Fiberglass support & non-fiberglass support.
Aluminum SubstrateIt –supports the entire structure and conducts the heat. The material is aluminum alloy plate.
应用领域 / Application
照明、LED显示 LED lighting、Public lighting、Backlight module、outdoor LED display
汽车应用 Automotive (Vehiche lighting、regulator、converters、Power module)
工业电子 Industrial electronics(DC-DC converter、Power supplies、Solid-State Relays transistor modules)
通讯产品 Digital、PC、Audio
需要高散热的领域 The area needs high heat dissipation

产品分类 /Type
General purpose. It is used widely in consumer lighting、outdoor LED display and backlight applications
Standard thermal conductivity. It is used in public lighting、Digital、PC、Audio、Automotive applications
High thermal conductivity. It is used in high power LED lighting、Automotive applications、Industrial electronics
High thermal conductivity、Low thermal resistance. It is used in high power applications
High toughness. It is used in the field of no-plat, with good bending properties.
主要性能 Main property 表Table1
项目 Item |
Test condition |
单位 Units |
Spec |
典型值 Typical Value |
类型 1 |
类型 2 |
类 型 3 |
类型 4 |
类型 5 |
Type1 |
Type2 |
Type3 |
Type4 |
Type5 |
1.0 瓦 |
1.5 瓦 |
2.0 瓦 |
3.0 瓦 |
2.0 瓦 |
热阻 * Note 1
thermal resistance |
ASTM E-1461 |
K·cm2/W |
< 1.0 |
0.77 |
< 0.7 |
0.61 |
< 0.5 |
0.41 |
0.41 |
< 0.4 |
0.33 |
热导率 * Note 1 ThermalConductivity |
ASTM E-1461 |
W/m·K |
≥1.0 |
1.1 |
≥1.5 |
1.6 |
≥2.0 |
2.2 |
2.2 |
≥3.0 |
3.0 |
剥离强度 1OZ
Peel Strength |
热应力前 |
N/mm |
≥1.2 |
1.82 |
1.83 |
1.80 |
1.75 |
1.80 |
热应力后 |
1.75 |
1.73 |
1.76 |
1.70 |
1.76 |
Thermal Stress |
288 ℃ ,solder dip |
S |
≥120 |
180S No delamination |
300*10s/cycle solder dip |
cycle |
≥6 次 |
6 次 No delamination |
表面电阻 Surface Resistivity |
C96/35/90 |
MΩ |
≥104 |
106 |
106 |
106 |
106 |
106 |
E-24/125 |
≥10 3 |
105 |
105 |
105 |
105 |
105 |
体积电阻 Volume Resistivity |
C96/35/90 |
MΩ·cm |
≥106 |
107 |
107 |
107 |
107 |
107 |
E-24/125 |
≥103 |
105 |
105 |
105 |
105 |
105 |
击穿电压( AC )
* Note 2 空气环境Dielectric Breakdown |
IPC-TM-650 2.5.6 .2 |
KV |
≥3 |
100μm |
4.3 |
4.3 |
4.3 |
4.3 |
4.3 |
≥4 |
125μm |
5.0 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
— |
— |
≥5 |
150μm |
6.0 |
6.0 |
6.0 |
— |
— |
介电常数( 1MHz ) Dielectric Constant |
C 24/23/50 |
— |
— |
5.1 |
5.3 |
5.5 |
5.8 |
5.5 |
IPC-TM-650 2.5.5 .2 |
Arc Resistance |
D48/50 + D0.5/23 |
S |
≥60 |
120 |
120 |
120 |
120 |
120 |
IPC-TM-650 2.5.1 |
燃烧性 Flammability |
E-24/125 |
— |
V-0 |
V-0 |
V-0 |
V-0 |
V-0 |
V-0 |
玻璃化温度 Tg |
℃ |
≥110 |
121.2 |
122.6 |
121.8 |
122.3 |
121.8 |
热分解温度 Td |
TGA ( Wt5%loss ) |
℃ |
≥360 |
400 |
400 |
400 |
400 |
400 |
Water Absorption |
D-24/23 |
% |
≤1.5 |
0.51 |
0.43 |
0.56 |
0.49 |
0.56 |
IPC-TM-650 2.6.2 .1 |
IEC60112 |
V |
≥600 |
600 |
600 |
600 |
600 |
600 |
*Note1:Thermal resistance samples use Aluminum SubstrateIt with 1mm aluminium alloy plate,35um copper foil and 75um Dielectric layer, Using ASTM E-1461 test method and calculate the result(According to CPCA4105-2010《 Printed Circuit Metal Base Copper-Clad Laminate 》).
*Note2:Dielectric Breakdown Voltage test value refers to the value of Al-Substrate CCL,and not Al-Substrate PCB test value. Because of design and the air facor, the Al-Substrate PCB test value will be lower than the value of substrate.
绝缘层厚度与耐电压关系Relationship of Dielectric Layer Thickness and Breakdown Voltage

标准尺寸 Standard Size |
500×610mm 、 550×610mm 、 500×1220mm 、 550×1220mm
1000×1220mm 、 1100×1220mm |
导电层 Circuit Layer(电解铜箔 Copper foil) |
18μm、35μm、70μm、105μm(Hoz、1oz、2oz、3oz) |
导热绝缘层厚度Dielectric Layer Thickness |
100μm、125μm、150μm(1.0~2.0 瓦)100μm(non-fiberglass support) |
铝基板厚度 Thickness |
0.6mm 、 0.8mm 、 1.0mm 、 1.2mm 、 1.5mm 、 1.6mm 、 2.0mm 、 3.0mm (厚度≤ 1.0 或 3oz 铜箔建议铝型选用 5052 ) |
铝板类型及处理方法 Aluminum Substrate Type |
1100 、 1060 、 5052 、 6061 阳极氧化法 Anodization |
保护膜类型 Masking Film |
PET 、 PI |
如有特殊要求,可定制any specific inquuiry could be available upon request。
可靠性测试数据/ ReliabilityTesting Data
Tested substrate: HA50-type3 (Aluminum thichness: 1.4mm, thermal conductive dielectric layer thinckness: 100μm, copper foil thinckness: 1oz)
(1) 绝缘层耐电压测试 Dielectric Breakdown Voltage
HA50 product has excellent dielectric Breakdown Voltage even after solder dippling
Figure 1. Breakdown Voltage after aging test at 260℃ |
Figure 2. Breakdown Voltage after aging test at -40℃/30min&150℃/30min |
(2) 剥离强度测试 Peeling Strength
HA50 product has excellent Peeling Strength even after solder dippling
Figure 1. Breakdown Voltage after aging test at 260℃ |
Figure 2. Breakdown Voltage after aging test at -40℃/30min&150℃/30min |